Campaign urges Northampton MPs to stop a no-deal Brexit

The advertising boards could be seen in Northampton over the weekend.The advertising boards could be seen in Northampton over the weekend.
The advertising boards could be seen in Northampton over the weekend.
A nationwide advertising campaign detailing the 'cost' of a no-deal Brexit to public health services has been launched in Northampton.

About 10,000 homes in the area received leaflets publicising the impact a no-deal Brexit could have on the NHS, and a large digital billboard circulated the town centre on Saturday for passers-by to see.

Campaign group 38 Degrees says the NHS could be forced to pay more for vital medicine as a result of trade negotiations with the United States after Brexit.

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"Leaving the EU with no-deal could leave the UK in an even weaker position ahead of the critical negotiations with US President Donald Trump," a statement from the campaign leaders reads.

The campaign comes as some candidates in the Conservative leadership election continue to discuss the prospect of a no-deal Brexit.

On Tuesday, MPs including Northampton North's Michael Ellis will cast their second vote to help decide the next Prime Minister.

As Northampton General Hospital falls within the Northampton North constituency, the campaign encourages people to write to Mr Ellis to raise any concerns they have ahead of tomorrow's vote.

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Ellie Gellard, campaigns director at 38 Degrees, said: “A no-deal Brexit could see our NHS struggling to pay more for vital medicine, our manufacturing industry decimated and British workers losing their jobs. Whether we voted leave or remain, no one voted for this.

“As we speak, MPs including Michael Ellis are deciding who could be our next Prime Minister. With so much at stake, it is vital that the public’s voices are heard.

“That’s why thousands of people across the country have chipped in to this campaign, to help send a message to MPs and candidates for Prime Minister: do everything in your power to stop a no-deal Brexit.”