Boy, 17, sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison for Kings Heath stabbing

Northampton Crown CourtNorthampton Crown Court
Northampton Crown Court
A 17-year-old boy has been sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison for stabbing a 30-year-old man multiple times in Kings Heath earlier this year.

The defendant, who cannot be named for legal reasons, will serve half the sentence in custody and the other half on licence.

The incident took place on June 20 when the defendant and the victim both found themselves at the same address.

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Mrs Munro, prosecuting, told Northampton Crown Court that they had been drinking wine and drugs were taken. Eventually, they were asked to leave the property.

The victim and the defendant then spent some time on a bench and the court heard how things had become awkward between the pair because they had never met before.

The defendant's group of friends showed up and both males ended up walking back towards Northampton with the group, even though the victim did not want to.

While walking home the defendant is said to have become increasingly aggressive and demanded to see the victim's phone. Unable to unlock the device he demanded the PIN code, which the victim refused to give over.

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The court heard that at this point the boy pulled out a kitchen knife with a 10cm blade and threatened the victim, once again demanding the PIN.

One of the defendant's friends did step in between the pair in an attempt to diffuse the situation but the boy ran around her and stabbed the 30-year-old several times.

He suffered three stab wounds to the chest, one on his abdomen and one to his left thigh, and needed a blood transfusion during his treatment at Northampton General Hospital.

The victim begged for the attack to stop, but the defendant is alleged to have said: "I don't care, I'm a killer".

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Mr Bown, defending, said his client "was doing the best he can to confront his issues".

While addressing the judge, Mr Bown said that the need for rehabilitation was equally as strong as the need to reduce any chance of reoffending when sentencing the teenager.

"I ask you to pass a sentence that will reinforce that his behaviour has been appaling but also gives him an opportunity to build on the strongest possible rehabilitation," said Mr Bown.

Judge Rupert Mayo did consider the justice system's aim to reduce the prospect of reoffending and aid rehabilitation when it comes to sentencing young offenders.

He also considered previous traumatic experiences the boy had faced in the past when coming to a decision.

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